<span class="dojodigital_toggle_title">For Parents</span>

For Parents

For Parents

I. Registration & Enrollment


1. Basic information about The Tinkling Class:

- Age: 9 - 11 years old. 

- Number of students: maximum 4 students/ class

- Number of classes: maximum 2 classes at the same time

- Time:

* 3 sessions/ week

* At least 1.5 hours/ session. Students can come 30 minutes earlier to discuss with the instructor.

- Number of units: 25 units/ course

- For other information (program, syllabus, tuition, etc.), please contact us to receive our information kit and/ or schedule an appointment.


2. Enrollment Process:

- Making contact: Parents contact us here or via other available channels (phone, Facebook, etc.) Please inform us your expectations, your child's basic information (age, English level, etc.), what time is convenient for you to meet us.

- Responding: We send the information kit of The Tinkling Class to the email parent(s) provided and schedule an appointment

- Meeting: During the meeting, we present about the class in details, answer parents' questions, and suggest what we expect from them. It is also an opportunity for parent(s) to tell us what they expect and what their child needs. After all of the three parties are already listened to and come to agreement, we will inform parents the venue and the start time. 

- Announcing: We send the class kit which includes information, guidelines and materials to parents.


II. How to reach us

Below are various ways you can contact us:

- Email: hi@thedanagarden.com

- Phone number: it will be provided by the instructor after parents contact us.

- Skype: dana.nhitran

All of the information, records, assignments, announcements, important discussion with parents, etc. will be sent via email.


III. Code of Communication:

At The Dana Garden, we have the utmost respect for our students' privacy, which includes their personal information and images, presentations, artworks, products and performance. We will not share their personal information and images, presentations, artworks, products and performance on media without a permission from both the student and his/her parent(s). 

If a student and/or their parents no longer agree with our sharing the subject, please contact us as soon as possible. To the extent possible, we will remove the subject immediately.

For the subjects we send to parents via email (presentation videos, records, photos, etc.), it is in the receivers' responsibility to use the files we sent properly.